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New version 13.7.0

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🎉 Version 13.7.0 has been released!

  • 👁️‍🗨️ Visualisation
    • Add audio analyzer for peak detection
    • Add audio loading state overlay
    • Add improved audio gain staging
    • Add optional scatter highlight for selected interval
    • Improve temporal x axis legends
    • Improve user settings saving consistency
    • Improve data generation performance
    • Improve render cycles

Read CHANGELOG for 13.7.0

New version 13.6.1

· One min read

🎉 Version 13.6.1 has been released!

  • 👁️‍🗨️ Visualisation
    • Upgrade to Vue 3.4
    • Use Shift+Tab to cycle through draggables backwards
    • Use Enter submission on temporal filter thresholds
    • Add dev settings for automatic view selection
    • Add undo and redo actions to trajectories
    • Add undo and redo actions to audios
    • Fix cycling scale colors
    • Use temporal filtering for scatter CSV exports
    • Improve Menu and Draggables readability
    • Improve global lifecycle calls
    • Prevent using keyboard on view loading
    • Purge temporal thresholds on view unloading
    • Add various improvements and fixes
    🧮 Processing
    • Force string conversion from storage

Read CHANGELOG for 13.6.1

Read CHANGELOG for 13.6.0

New version 13.5.2

· One min read

🎉 Version 13.5.2 has been released!

  • 👁️‍🗨️ Visualisation
    • Prevent label range coloring from hanging scatter colors
    • Prevent color map inverts with non reversible categories


New version 13.5.0

· One min read

🎉 Version 13.5.0 has been released!

  • 👁️‍🗨️ Visualisation
    • Add point filtering to Temporal draggable
    • Add options and value range for indicator based coloring
    • Add range coloring for numeric user labels
    • Add color map inversion button
    • Add global <Escape> keyboard shortcut to toggle menu and draggables display
    • Add global <Tab> keyboard shortcut to cycle through active draggables
    • Add global x keyboard shortcut to close the current draggable
    • Persist user settings between sessions
    • Switch default coloring flavor (map) from Dark2 to Spectral
    • Add option to disable automatic Audio open on scatter click
    • Update keyboard shortcut mapping (see help)
    • Rename Indicators draggable to Temporal
    • Improve common draggable interfaces
    • Improve overall user experience
    • Improve overall code quality
    • Add security checks to Audio submodule
    • Update h5wasm dependency
    • Add various fixes and improvements


New version 13.4.3

· One min read

🎉 Version 13.4.3 has been released!

  • 👁️‍🗨️ Visualisation
    • Force cell objects to strings for audio service start
    • Sanitize relative file paths when building interval details


New version 13.4.0

· One min read

🎉 Version 13.4.0 has been released!

  • 👁️‍🗨️ Visualisation
    • Add candelsticks rendering to indicators panel
    • Improve selection and functionality of indicators panel


New version 13.3.1

· One min read

🎉 Version 13.3.1 has been released!

  • 🧮 Processing
    • Handle out of memory error during mean distances matrix calculation

    • Skip Silhouette calculation if no mean distances matrix available


New version 13.3.0

· One min read

🎉 Version 13.3.0 has been released!

  • 👁️‍🗨️ Visualisation
    • Add 2d selection to clipboard
    • Add user settings for 2d scatters
    • Improve draggables (modals) behaviour
    • Improve state behaviour
    • Improve scatter performance
    • Improve scatter layout and camera
    • Improve storage performance
    • Refactor states and hooks


Add 2d selection to clipboard

When this setting is enabled, the selected interval points are converted to corresponding file indexes then paste clipboard content as a column in your Excel configuration file.