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Version: 11.10.0

Processing user guide


You must have a shell pointing to folder sound-scape-explorer-11.10.0 and active python virtual environment.

Find related documentation in running campaigns


  1. Open a shell window. (Double-click start.bat on Windows or use cd on Ubuntu / macOS)
  2. Type sse followed by a <space>
  3. Drag and drop your Excel file to the shell window
  4. Press Enter


# Windows
sse D:\campaign\config.xlsx

# Ubuntu / macOS
sse campaign/config.xlsx

Most frequent use caseโ€‹

If you want to execute all the requested metrics declared in your configuration file, please use the Run All menu choice.

  1. Select Run All
  2. Wait for the processing to complete. When the menu displays again, the processing has completed
  3. You can now go further to visualisation user guide in order to display your data

You will get the menu below.

Use your arrow and Enter keys to navigate through it.

๐Ÿ‘‹ Welcome to SoundScapeExplorer!

โ”ƒ File โ”ƒ Path โ”ƒ
โ”‚ config โ”‚ relative/or/absolute/path/to/config.xlsx โ”‚
โ”‚ storage โ”‚ relative/or/absolute/path/to/storage.h5 โ”‚
? Choose your action (Use arrow keys)
โฏ Refresh configuration
Run extractions and aggregations
Run reductions
Run computation UMAPs and mean distances matrix (needed for autocluster)
Purge computation UMAPs and mean distances matrix
Run autoclusters
Run trajectories
Run digests
Run all
Export dataframe as .csv
Export computation UMAPs as .npy
Export mean distances matrix as .npy
Repack storage with `h5repack` (UNIX only)
